Entrepreneurship is uniquely positioned to usher the transformation our world desperately needs.

The Regenerative Journeys Retreat is for people who seek to expand their consciousness to make a significant impact on the world through systems and self transformation. What we’re offering is a different way of seeing and being.

This event is for people asking:

  • How can I become more viable and non-displaceable?

  • How do I generate ROI from integrity and wholeness, without compromising?

  • How can we reimagine viability (growth, returns) in a way that expresses the core of who I am and advances true wealth?

In this one-day retreat, participants will excavate their zone of genius, awaken to live and work from a regenerative, living systems paradigm, and connect with a curated community of fellow entrepreneurs.

Fall 2024

The Retreat Experience


…uncovering and creating from your unique essence — the source of your ongoing creativity and vitality — to address global imperatives.

working from integrity, energetic wholeness. The decision between integrity and success is a false dichotomy.

an active, somatic, and experiential day with a curated, values-aligned group. You’ll learn and practice new ways of being individually and together.

What is the role your company uniquely plays in our society and planetary system?

Sample Agenda


Welcome. Grounding. Wake Up.

Guided individual practices for personal regeneration. Through forums and exercises, participants will be introduced to regenerative paradigms.

Explore the global imperatives—social and planetary systems—that call to you.


Learn essence thinking to excavate you and your organization’s unique Essence to see a new role in how best to serve the larger systems.

Evolve your values and guide decision-making (e.g., hiring, investments, etc.) for self and systems evolution.

Reflections. Integration. Close.

2 weeks later

Integration zoom call.

Transformative Outcomes

See and act from a new paradigm. Learn a regenerative mindset and principles for yourself, business, and systems you’re part of.

New operating principles, values, and metrics that embed regenerative goals into your organization, products, and services

Experience vitalizing energy, clarity, and ideas.

Uncover your unique essence and potential. Identify your distinctive role in the startup community for systems evolution.

Camaraderie. Convene with a peer community that enables opportunities and learning that cannot be experienced as an individual.

Learn more

During our time together, we’ll help you think better and grow your leadership capacity.

  • How can I become more viable and non-displaceable as an entrepreneur? 

  • How do I achieve viability in a way that doesn’t steal my soul? 

  • How can we reimagine viability that advances true wealth and expresses the core of who I am without compromise? 

  • What’s the process that enables me to see the next order of potential? 

  • How can I partner with my teams and customers in a way that lifts up their potential? 

Evolving Business as Usual

The current model of entrepreneurship produces outsized suffering and waste that we believe is unnecessary. For every unicorn, there are an untold number of companies that don't survive in the high-pressure traditional startup model. Behind every “failed” company are real humans, families, communities, and natural resources. The high-cost, unsustainable model of entrepreneurship is beginning to evolve.

We support edge-walking entrepreneurs as they establish new norms for society to operate from.

Your Retreat Guides

Michelle Lee

Founder, Studio Rhye

Michelle awakens individuals to shift paradigms. She develops leaders, organizations, and communities to grow their capacity for systemic evolution, benefitting all of life.

As a strategist, convener, and facilitator, she practices living systems thinking and design to uncover and realize one’s highest potential. Drawing from her experiences in early-stage startups, social enterprises, healthcare, design, and consulting for global firms, governments, and emerging ventures, she brings a multidimensional perspective.

Michelle is devoted to imagining a new role where the field of venture capital, investors, and entrepreneurs regenerate life.

Learn more at studiorhye.com and LinkedIn

Joel Fariss

Co-Founder & Board Chair, The Holon Institute

Joel is a social philosopher, futurist, and burgeoning poet whose work aims to cultivate depth and circularity in the shallows of western culture’s linear meaning economy. In his cross-sector work, he practices "applied imagination" – a way of being, doing, and becoming that transcends disciplanary bounds – to concieve, incubate, and scale ideas conducive to an emergent future in which all life on earth exists in right relationship to both the parts and the whole of existence. Joel is a passionate champion of corporate heterodoxy and speaks globally about the critical role of human imagination and shared grief in shaping our collective future.

Learn more at joelfariss.com and LinkedIn